By Grumpygum
United Kingdom
I have successfully used the same planting area for kidney beans for some while with regular heavy harvests. I have grown climbing french beans for the first time this year and been very pleased with the harvest on these too (and counting).
Would there be a risk of problems if I used the same area continuously for these too?
29 Jul, 2015
I agree with Moon Growe. Continuously planting the same crop in same location will eventually deplete the ground of necessary nutrients and cause problems. The ground needs time to "refeul." Crop rotation is the way to go or amend the soil.
29 Jul, 2015
Some allotment holders do swear by using the same plot for beans though, having trenched it very thoroughly for a long time. A good reason for rotating would be that beans and peas add nitrogen to the soil so following with something like brassicas to take advantage of it would be good too.
29 Jul, 2015
It is better to rotate your vegetable crops if you can but if that isn't possible just make sure you add some organic matter each year.
29 Jul, 2015