By Telendos
United Kingdom
My lovely Daphne Odora Aureomarginata seems to have 'wilt' just like clematis wilt. I read a similar blog c 2010 and the questions were 'has it been recently moved' and 'was it in drought'. Mine has not been moved but I was away for 3 weeks during the very hot spell in July and it was not watered. Am I about to lose it? Watering every day but to no avail. Too sad as I grew it from a cutting and after 3 years it started to flower. As a shrub it is approx 8 years old. Any help would be very much appreciated.
10 Aug, 2015
I would suggest that overwatering is the problem. Daphne Odora Aureomarginata seem to suffer from this. As the leaves start to droop it cannot use all the moisture at the roots which is also being starved of oxygen. As long as the soil is not bone dry I would leave the plant alone. Even if the leaves all drop off, it could still re-shoot. I have noticed that in my local garden centre this particular variety tends to lose its leaves because of overwatering.
11 Aug, 2015
Previous question
A photograph of the shrub would be very useful in order to rule out other problems apart from drought.
10 Aug, 2015