By Swan34
United Kingdom
i just noticed some plant was growing on the wall with nice flower but i dont know the name of them. and can i grow them from cutting?

16 Aug, 2015
Snapdragons, Very easy to grow from seeds. I never tried to grow from cuttings. It's a very short lived annual so it may not be worth trying to grow from cuttings. You can get seeds anywhere.
17 Aug, 2015
They are grown as annuals but will often live for several years as a hardy perennial in the right conditions.
Will grow from seed, sow in Febuary but, in my experience, not one of the easier plants to grow as they suffer with lots of fungal diseases when young. The seeds are very small too.
17 Aug, 2015
Antirrhinums to give them their posh name, children love to gently squeeze to make them snap ☺
17 Aug, 2015
I have 3 growing in cracks on a sheltered wall, must have been smeared on the wall when pulling plants out. they have been there 3 yrs now. perennial in the right conditions. as previously stated often treated as a bedding annual. easy to grow from seed.
17 Aug, 2015
There are some really good perennial ones around, A. pulverentula for one.
17 Aug, 2015
I just scattered some seeds around haphazardly. Now they are popping up everywhere.
17 Aug, 2015
They overwinter here for several years and self seed generously. Never had any fungal problems - perhaps you get more if sown under glass?
17 Aug, 2015
Yup, easy and trouble free from open-sown seed, especially in good drainage. Main fungus disease, rust, requires warm, rainy weather.
19 Aug, 2015
thanks to all
20 Aug, 2015
I did some cutting and i try to grow them under growing light i will let you know the result
20 Aug, 2015
Previous question
Hi, Swan. Those are Snapdragons, and are possible from cuttings, but easier from seed. They're annuals, and probably want all the sun and warmth that they can get in the UK.
16 Aug, 2015