By Tonygibbons
I have a grape vine growing outside the conservatory producing an abundance of green grapes outside.
The shoots growing inside from the same vine produce black.
Is this usual or a freak.
Tony Gibbons
20 Aug, 2015
That would be my thought too Bathgate...
20 Aug, 2015
if the root of the vine is out side and then the vine or part of it is inside the greenhouse then they have Ripened and the ones outside have still to ripen – my grape vine outside is the same not yet ripe due to the weather – But the one I have in the greenhouse I have been picking them for weeks now
21 Aug, 2015
The black ones are great for making tie-dye T-shirts; remember them?
21 Aug, 2015
That's interesting. All grapes start out green so I wonder of the black ones are more ripened.
20 Aug, 2015