By Annrk
United States
I live in the US, and am looking for a good ground cover on a sunny slope, hardy to zone 6 or 7.
20 Aug, 2015
I would suggest one of the creeping types of sedum. Being a succulent, there would be more fire resistance (can you tell I'm originally from California ?).
21 Aug, 2015
Check out the ice plants. They are good ground covers that are in constant bloom, assortment of colors. It's used a lot in California for erosion control
21 Aug, 2015
From the satellite photos I have seen recently, it looks like a big chunk of that state is ablaze.
21 Aug, 2015
Loosestrife2 CA is ablaze because of 4 years of drought. We are looking to Canada for help.
21 Aug, 2015
My suggestion would be Crown Vetch.
20 Aug, 2015