United Kingdom
Which month can I buy delphinium plants at the gc? I'd like to attempt growing them next year. I don't have a greenhouse or anything for seeds. How much sun do they need?
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks!! Sorry I didn't show my apprecition at the time, quite remiss of me :0(
I managed to find some dwarf delphs (5) at the GC. They flowered till August/Sept and then died a death over the winter. Do they come back to life or not, in other words are they perennial?
many thanks
27 Jan, 2011
yes they are perennial but watch out for slug damage april onwards.
28 Jan, 2011
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I have them in mainly sun. You may still get them in gc but they are coming to the end of the flowering period. I have found them reduced at this time of year because of the lack of flowers. They are easy from seed and you dont need a greenhouse. A couple of pots of good compost and a warm windowsill in Feb to set seeds going.
25 Jul, 2010