By Mccarten48
Every time I try to sow an area of lawn (part of my existing lawn) I fail miserably even using expensive seed, preparing the ground and covering with top soil. What am I doI got wrong? Thank you. G. Mc Carten
23 Aug, 2015
You may be covering the seed too thickly.
23 Aug, 2015
I agree with Steragram just sprinkle on surface and very lightly cover or just lightly rake in
23 Aug, 2015
Also, how much shade is there? Few lawn grasses can take light shade, and almost none can take heavy shade.
24 Aug, 2015
How are you preparing the ground beforehand? And what times of year have you attempted this? And have you tried it when you've applied weedkiller or weed/feed/mosskiller to the lawn generally?
23 Aug, 2015