By Bainliam
United Kingdom
I wonder if someone could please tell me whether Dianthus Doris and Dianthus Memories are classed as varieties of Carnations or Pinks.
24 Aug, 2015
Both are generally sold as dwarf carnations, here in the States, though they are obviously hybrids with Dianthus gratianopolitanus. In my experience, easier to grow than standard carnations.
25 Aug, 2015
Many thanks to you both for your replies
28 Aug, 2015
Dianthus Doris, Dianthus Memories = Pinks. Or Carnations, whichever you like. Both are common names, and the old common name classes of pinks and carnations don't really mean much any more. Some explanation about the two different terms and why they came about in the link below - copy into your browser to read it.
24 Aug, 2015