United States
I live in Reno,nv. I planted two 6ft rows of corn in April....when is it harvest time?
26 Aug, 2015
When the silk starts to turn brown, gently turn back a bit of the husks, and press your thumbnail into one of the kernels:
If it pops, and the juice is clear, it's too early--gently replace the husk, and wait a few days.
If the skin is too tough, and the flesh too doughy, to pop, it's too late--make creamed corn. :)
If it pops, and the juice is milky and sweet, it's harvest time!
27 Aug, 2015
Thank you both for your help!
I have s ridiculous amount of zucchini!
And a great family recipe for ....."gagutts". Hit me up if you want it!
31 Aug, 2015
lol! I had to look it up, but gagutz is another name for cucuzza "squash"--actually a white-flowered gourd. From what I know, any recipe for cucuzza should work fine for zucchini, too! :)
31 Aug, 2015
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« I grow a lot of rhubarb, is it OK to put the leaves on the compost heap?
If the silk on the ears is brown and dry its time to harvest. I am assuming that you have planted sweet corn.
26 Aug, 2015