By Booboosmum
United Kingdom
Hi all, ive grown some Aubretia from seed, they were growing away nicely but then started to look poorly, they now have tiny holes in the leaves, any ideas please?
28 Aug, 2015
It's a member of the Brassica family and can get nibbled by flea beetle, just like cabbages. It won't kill them. If it's still in pots, get the plants in the ground fairly soon so that they can establish and flower next spring.
29 Aug, 2015
It may also have its own species of looper, like many other cabbage kin.
29 Aug, 2015
Thanks everyone
31 Aug, 2015
Aubretia is generally pest and disease free, however a prolonged spell of cool, damp weather may encourage downy mildew.
The symptoms are a yellowing of the leaves, with grey downy patches on the undersides.
Remove and destroy all affected leaves, including any on the ground around the plant, to prevent the spores from spreading.
29 Aug, 2015