By Terrycuming
United Kingdom
I have a Hydranga and year after year I get masses of flower heads but for some reason these only have a few flowers open on each. No big heads. What is the matter and what can I do to get it to produce the heads it should have?
26 Jul, 2010
Bamboo, I really don't lnow but when I bought it the heads were has one would expect. I will take photo to morrow and send it in. Thanks for replying.
26 Jul, 2010
Yes it does sound like a Lacecap, they have open flowers round the edge of the of the rather flat flower head, .
26 Jul, 2010
You sure you haven't got a lacecap variety rather than a mophead? Do you have a name for the plant? Otherwise, a photograph of the flowers would be good.
26 Jul, 2010