By Oldbindweed
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Is Fuchsia "Rosemary Higham " safe to leave outdoors over Winter?
Asked from the GoYpedia
fuchsias page
30 Aug, 2015
Just a thought - if you haven't got room to overwinter it try taking a few cuttings. But many none hardy ones can be overwintered in a cool place eg a spare bedroom if kept very cool and almost dry.
31 Aug, 2015
Just had another look at this. Potash Nurseries list it in the Trailing section but not in the Hardy list so best play safe.
5 Nov, 2016
Previous question
Hi, it largely depends on what your lowest winter temperature is, if it never gets below 40f then it should be ok, but it isn't a 'hardy' variety, if it gets below this temp, then it would be best kept somewhere frost free, such as a greenhouse or conservatory over the winter, Derek.
30 Aug, 2015