By Sunnyside
United Kingdom
I have an area of 750 sq yards which I want to be lawn- I cannot afford turf, but is it worth investing in pre-germinated seed, rather than ordinary lawn seed. To date I have only found one supplier of pre-germinated seed ( grrenacres) so am wondering if the product is not in great demand.
Thankyou Vera
26 Jul, 2010
If you want to save money, think I'd stick to ordinary seed - the trick is to do it at the right time, which is end of August/early September really, when the soil is still warm but its not roasting hot. Unless at your end of the country, the weather is suitable already. Make sure your seed bed preparations are thorough too, that helps. And when you sow the seed, allow enough for the birds to take some, and for filling in patches that don't grow properly.
26 Jul, 2010