By Hanibal
United Kingdom
My very old fruit tree with strange small crab apple like fruits best to be harvested on November when soft has round holes in te trunk and branches with raised rounded area sowedast coming out and i found under the bark a fat roundish white larve, molusque?the branches under the bark is crumbly and eatten
What should I'm do to help?
2 Sep, 2015
Try Googling Leopard Moth larva. They are big grubs which are found in old apple trees in Britain.
4 Sep, 2015
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Can you provide a couple of photos of the problem please? Maybe one showing the tree overall and a close up or two of problem areas. And can you please confirm you're actually in the UK - sawdust and holes smacks of tree borers, but we don't have those in the UK....
3 Sep, 2015