By Plexman
Hello. I planted a new Wisteria on1st July 2015. It is already growing and extending well on a trellis. The lower ( pre- existent ) leaves are now quite large and thick at the base. I wonder if these need to be pruned back or should this only be to new shoots twice a year as advised on other sites. Thank you
4 Sep, 2015
I'd leave pruning this year and let it build up some structure deciding which stems are to be the main branches. I'd aim for 5 of them to begin with and tie them in. Start the normal pruning procedure when they produce laterals next year.
5 Sep, 2015
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I would say do the first prune now (assuming that you are in the UK) you can just about class this weekend as August! It will help you to see the strongest stems.
4 Sep, 2015