By Patelriley
Lancashire, United Kingdom
This year I bought a small poly tunnel and planted a couple of cucumber, three aubergine, some chillies and some tomatoes. All these plants grew very well and looks very healthy. Only problem is very poor in fruit production. Cucumbers gets fruit as long as middle finger and the dies off. Aubergines plenty flowers but no fruit growing, Chillies lots of flowers but very little chillies and tomatoes some trusses but not any yet ripened. What is going on here. Have attached photos if cucumber and aubergine plants.
- 6 Sep, 2015
It's a bit late now for aubergine and peppers to grow and ripen but and idea certainly for the future is to remove some of the flowers in order to allow the plant to put its energy into producing fruit on the others.Also, a feed when flowers appear will help.
7 Sep, 2015
Both cucumbers and chilis need pollination. Do bees have access to the inside of the tunnel?
8 Sep, 2015
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Tomatoes will ripen more easily once the first one is red. To encourage the first one try putting a ripe on with them. Or a banana or banana skin hung on the vine will help to do the trick . Ripe fruit gives off ethylene gas which ripens other fruit. So once you get ripe ones always leave one on the vine to help ripen the others. If you still have green ones left at the end of the season pick the trusses and lay them on clean paper or an old sheet or something in a spare room if you have one, together with a ripe one or the banana. Quicker than leaving them on the windowsill or a drawer. Sorry can't help with the others.
6 Sep, 2015