By Rachel18
United Kingdom
I have two very large Hosta,s that are taking over the garden area, how do I cut them back?
7 Sep, 2015
I have cut all the leaves back, do I split the roots with a spade?
7 Sep, 2015
They split easily with a spade and you will get lots of plants.
7 Sep, 2015
There was no need to cut the leaves off. The easiest way to split a large clump is with two forks if you have them. Insert them in the clump back to back, and then pull them down as though digging, in opposite directions. this should split the clump down the middle. Doing it with forks does less damage to the roots, but use a spade if you haven't got the forks.
7 Sep, 2015
Have managed to do as suggested, Thank you for advice. regards Ann
8 Sep, 2015
You can split them next month and either replant all the pieces or give some away.
7 Sep, 2015