By Ugg123
Queensland, Australia
I leased my house in Qld for two years until recently. Upon my return, I found that the tenants have sprayed weed killer around my roses. One was dead and two looked as though they may survive. I had them pruned and transplanted to another area. However, I noticed that they now have abnormal leaves. Is this due to the weed killer and can they be saved? They are beautiful Brindabella roses and they were doing really well before I leave.
- 7 Sep, 2015
I hope you stopped their deposit for the damage caused!
8 Sep, 2015
It looks very much like damage from a chemical named prometon. Soaking the soil with diluted humic acid--if available--and spraying the foliage with fulvic acid should detox the soil and bush. It looks severe enough that it may take several applications to effect a cure, but you should see some normal growth within a week of the first application. If humic and fulvic acids aren't available, well made compost tea contains some of both, and should also help.
8 Sep, 2015