By Zoedalupan
i have a plant in my garden but i don't know what it's called. it has rather oval leaves that come to a point at the end and it looks like a bromeliad, but my grandmother says it's a succulent. please help me.

12 Sep, 2015
The photo is so dark its hard to be 100% sure, but I'm 99% sure it's Sansevieria hahnii, which is a succulent with sharp tips to the leaves.
12 Sep, 2015
Yep, a dwarf cultivar of Sanseveria trifasciata named 'Hahnii'. Easy to grow in low light levels, as long as it isn't overwatered. Needs less water, humidity, and fertilizer than bromeliads.
14 Sep, 2015
Previous question
A picture is worth a thousand words and would be very helpful.
12 Sep, 2015