By Johnjoe
If I leave my Livingstone Daisy in it's flower bowl for winter will they survive and flower next summer. I am looking forward for a reply thank you. I am uploading 2 photos, before and after.
- 13 Sep, 2015
There are perennial ones which do survive in our garden, even outside in full sun and extremely well drained soil.
13 Sep, 2015
Its just as easy to buy a new pkt of seeds and sow in doors in April - as the seeds are so small - My wife sows a few pkts every year - this year they have been very good
13 Sep, 2015
Look for Delosperma species and hybrids for similar flowers on perennial plants. In southern Ireland, Cephalophyllum x 'Red Spike', and Malephora crocea might also work. All of them need very sharp drainage!
13 Sep, 2015
It's an annual, so won't come back next year. If you like, collect the seeds and sow them in late winter or spring in pots kept at a temperature of no less than 16 degrees. A cool windowsill would be ideal.
13 Sep, 2015