By Victoria2
United Kingdom
I have fifteen box shrubs down my footpath and every morning they looked wrecked with holes in them, not sure if it is a fox or rats. Could you through some light on it? Is this common?

13 Sep, 2015
Our privet hedge has similar, and it's caused by sparrows.
Very unlikely to be rats, as the holes are too far up, and even more unlikely to be anything larger as the holes are too small.
14 Sep, 2015
It could be a group of young foxes - I was watching 4 of them where I live last week at 2 am - they were chasing each other all over the place, jumping and crashing into plants and shrubs all the way....
14 Sep, 2015
Could easily be both: rats trying to hide, and foxes or cats diving in after them. It might be worthwhile getting some inexpensive black cotton thread, and giving the bushes a tight wrap, working the thread down under the outermost leaves. After a year or two, the thread should decay, saving the expanding branches from girdling.
13 Sep, 2015