The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Surrey, United Kingdom

what causes this wrinkling of these leaves on this hybrid cleome cutting? should i be worried seems to be spreading to new lower leaves



If there's nothing odd underneath the leaves to explain this, it might just be oedema, a non infectious disorder common in greenhouses. The plant takes up more water than it can handle and it causes these symptoms on the leaves. The solution, I'm afraid, is less water, increased air flow, warmer temperatures and lower humidity.

16 Sep, 2015


yes that makes sense i did leave the cuttings far too long under plastic bags to propagate them.Im never sure how long you should leave them. This one originally was in a very sad state and i was trying to throw it away by pulling it out when i realized it had actually rooted. This type of cleome can only be propagated by cuttings

17 Sep, 2015

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