By Dab
south Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
about 4/5 years ago i planted a patio conference pair tree.sadly it never blossomed only grew leaves and got taller.about a month ago i decided to out it ,cut off the side branches and trimmed it to 3 foot,shook off all the earth ready to put in the the last minute i told it id give it one more chance, put it into a large tub and told it "to get on with it or else".well it did, it has grown new leaves and side shoots and 8 BLOSSOMS! what do you guys think, is it worth keeping?
17 Sep, 2015
Yes, it's worth keeping. Obviously it didn't like it's former location. However, now is not the time to replant it. Wait until it goes dormant. Keep in mind pair trees need full sun, 6-8 hours per day.
17 Sep, 2015