By Jeannieb
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi. We bought this standard fuchsia from our local village fete in the summer, for the grand sum of £2.00. We love it and would like to keep it for next year, please tell me if it can stay outside in Yorkshire or should I bring it inside?

17 Sep, 2015
Thank you for your information Owdboggy. We have a large, unheated but bright attic, so I hope that will be a good home for it over winter.
17 Sep, 2015
Should be ok. They do not actually need light once they have gone dormant and very little water, just enough to stop the compost drying out completely.
17 Sep, 2015
Definitely don't leave outside no standards will stand the frost even if hardy in a pot at best it will shoot from the base the top will not survive.
Rap the pot in bubble rap and put foam pipe lagging round the stem keep in a frost free place.
18 Sep, 2015
Thanks again, really would like to keep it for next year. I'll be watching out for the first Yorkshire frost.
18 Sep, 2015
Just to let you know, i overwintered the standard in an unheated attic, light and no frost and this year (2016) its has bloomed even better. Shall be doing the same this year.
9 Aug, 2016
That is going to suffer from the cold in winter. You definitely need to put it somewhere where neither the pot nor the stem will get frost damage. Hundreds of years ago when I grew Fuchsias, I used to bury the tender ones in the garden and dig them up in Spring. BUT, don't ask me for details I have forgotten how I did it.
17 Sep, 2015