By Csarina
United Kingdom
We bought two climbing roses today that have been allowed to grow rather out of control, when is the best time to prune them? Should I prune them part down next month and then further in march
18 Sep, 2015
You haven't said which variety they are, but if you want to plant them now, and that's difficult because of the long growths, take a third to two thirds of the longer stems off before planting. Firm them in well, and if you need to take more off next month to prevent windrock, do so, if not, prune as usual in spring (usually early March). And yes, do prune them in spring, training and pruning and tying in is important in the first couple of years, so it grows in the direction you want and where you want. How much you prune is dependent on variety and other factors, like whether you're growing them up a pillar or they're giants you want to cover a wall; a good support system needs to be in place, particularly for larger climbers.
19 Sep, 2015
If you have some nice stems 4' or longer of at least pencil thickness you don't need to prune these as they will form the main structure. Any wispy side shoots or dead ones that have grown from these can be removed in November. Likewise any side shoots that are wispy or crossing other side shoots or growing the wrong way, eg towards the wall or fence, should be removed. All other side shoots should pruned back to 3 or 4 'eyes' from the main structural shoots. Meanwhile you can plant out the roses and carefully bend the main stems back ideally to 45° or more and tie in to horizontal wires or a trellis
19 Sep, 2015
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« i just built a gree house for growing food what can i grow in sep
A moderate pruning next month should suffice. No need to prune them again in March. Don't go to heavy on the pruning. Roses really don't respond well.
18 Sep, 2015