West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I`ve just started growing potatoes, I had 2 large bags which when the tubers were tall, fell over. The first stems turned pale, and I harvested some small crops. The second I left another 3 weeks. the foliage went the same way but when harvesting the crop I found more than a handful of what looked like white small circular eggs which were the size of small ball bearings. My potatoes were covered in brown spots, almost like small boils on the skins. Any ideas what these are, and can I use the compost again?
27 Jul, 2010
As Owdboggy says scab just make sure you peel the potatoes.
27 Jul, 2010
I agree with all of the above!
27 Jul, 2010
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Eggs probably snail or slug eggs about to hatch. Or water retaining gel.
Brown spots possibly scab. This is just a skin condition and does not affect the eating qualities of the potatoes.
27 Jul, 2010