By Eunice1
United Kingdom
Can you help Please my garden is getting over run by Ground Elder is there anyway to get rid of it we have been digging out but roots go deep and spread everywhere
19 Sep, 2015
19 Sep, 2015
Its the wrong time of year to tackle it with any weedkiller - the best time is mid to late spring (assuming its warm) when it starts growing strongly and the soil is moist. Spray thoroughly with glyphosate. Wait a week, then spray again. Wait another week, then dig, carefully extracting any roots you find. Glyphosate often doesn't actually kill the plant, it just looks as if it has, but what it does do is destroy the fine, hairlike roots which are impossible to dig out properly, so when you do dig after two treatments, you've more chance, if you're rigorous, of removing most of it.
19 Sep, 2015
Ground elder propagates from its rhizomes which look like long white divided underground stems which some people think are the roots. These are the plant's food storage. The actual roots are short wispy tufts that grow from them.
I prefer a 2 pronged approach.Dig out as many of the rhizomes as possible, taking care not to break them into smaller pieces to leave in the soil to become new plants. With some of the rhizomea you can actually pull long strands of them out of the soil. But others grow down a couple of feet or more and have to be dug out with a fork. When you've finished removing as much as you can see, wait until next May/June and then treat with glyphosate any leaves that have emerged. It usually responds well and what does come back will be considerably weakened. Give another dose to more new leaves in July and that should pretty well see off your ground elder.
19 Sep, 2015
thank you friends
19 Sep, 2015
Been doing that for 20 years, we still have it, mainly because it is in the roadside verge and of course it comes back in.
19 Sep, 2015
I have the same problem as it comes in from the verge outside. Having now mown a spit of grass along the hedge I have stopped the ground elder from coming in. This has taken a couple of years though. It does not like being cut weekly.
The elder left in the garden I have mown and mown this season to weaken it and have given it a hefty dose of Roundup. I am expecting next year to dig the plot over, remove any roots that I can and keep applying weed killer regularly.
If you find a better solution please let me know.
21 Sep, 2015
Sorry, but the only way is with weedkiller. And you need to spray every leaf, every time you see it. And even then, it will take a long time. And if it is coming in from outside your property then you have no chance.
19 Sep, 2015