By Monkey1962
N/E Lincolnshire ,
United Kingdom
has anyone tried to grow begonias from seed, from what im reading its very difficult, could anyone pass on any experiences they have had, and any tips in the matter.
I'm thinking of trying to grow some, so your input would be desirable
21 Sep, 2015
The seeds are like dust. Sow them on the surface of moist seed compost, do not let them dry out. Put them in a heated propagator with a night time temp of at least 21c and keep it as constant as possible. Once germinated, keep at min of 15c. They grow slowly and are prone to diseases and cold.
Not the easiest to grow but not impossible
21 Sep, 2015
Start early if you can provide the right conditions because even small plugs seem to take for ever to get going.
21 Sep, 2015
thanks for all the excellent advise, im gonna give it a go and hopefully i will be posting a picture on here next June/July of my beautiful mass of begonias, fingers crossed
22 Sep, 2015
Yep but go to --
tells you all you need to know far to much to write on here m8
21 Sep, 2015