By Patitime
United Kingdom
a view months ago I recognised that something was wrong with the palm heart and I could remove the complete heart, it was all wet and brown inside. There were still palm leaves around the heart which slowly die.
Now however new palm leaves are growing around the stock from a lower level and I am very happy about this as it doesn't seem to be dead. The question: is there anything I can do to make the palm grow 'normal' again? or are these just offsets that I would need to remove and grow separately?
- 23 Sep, 2015
Previous question
The real question is whether you've got any growth coming from the top, where you removed the soggy part. If all the new growth is lower down the stem, with none emanating at the top, and none does arrive at the top, then the growing tip has been destroyed and that's why the palm is shooting out lower down. Its not dead, its just been damaged at the top. In which case, you'd need to keep the side growths, or at least one of them - they will develop into separate branches with growth on the top anyway over time.
23 Sep, 2015