By Thecat
United Kingdom
Hi all, hope someone might help with this query. I bought some lily bulbs at Southport garden show last month. As I wasnt sure where in my border I wanted to plant them, I left them in a paper bag in the cubby hole under the stairs assuming this would be a good place as it was cool and dry. I checked them today and found them to be soft. Have I slipped up and ruined them ?
25 Sep, 2015
I would have been wary of buying dry lily bulbs in August. Even the early flowering one are only just going into dormancy. I would suggest as Bamboo advises, get them into pots of compost and see what happens.
25 Sep, 2015
they could just be soft due to lack of water. I'd certainly pot them up in a damp compost and see how they go.
27 Sep, 2015
Thanks to all. It seems to be a question of giving it a go and hope for the best, so thats what I' ll do. Thanks again GOYers
28 Sep, 2015
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Well they might not be much use, soft bulbs are usually binned. Maybe you should pot them up or pop them in the ground and see what happens next year, no point in keeping them in a bag any longer.
25 Sep, 2015