By Muckymitts
United Kingdom
I bought a 3 Erythronium bulbs which are new to me, thinking to grow them in a pot. I looked for info about them and it seems they should be planted in a a dampish woody site. My garden is tiny and doesn't meet with the requirements advised. My question is can I grow them in a pot ??
25 Sep, 2015
Which variety of erythronium are they? Some like to be very deep and are not really suitable for pots.
25 Sep, 2015
Thanks both for your answers- the variety is 'kondo'. I could put pots on the side with high fencing that gets little sun.
26 Sep, 2015
Kondo's parents are E. tuolumnense and probably E. californicum. Both these are amenable to being grown in pots, but the former does generate new bulbs which may become trapped in a pot's drainage holes. Just check regularly, and if you see new bulbs coming out the bottom, empty the pot, separate the new bulbs, and replant.
26 Sep, 2015
thank you for the information, look forward to having a go a go at growing them - they look to be a pretty flower.
29 Sep, 2015
Have you got a fairly shady corner where you could put the pots? The leaves disappear in summer so you could perhaps move them after flowering if you wanted to.
25 Sep, 2015