By Buzby28
United Kingdom
Hi to one and all
Just wondered if anyone else has a night/day thermometer......if so can you please explain how they you have to reset everyday and night ????? Regards Buzby
28 Jul, 2010
I have one of those thermometers that Owdboggy has mentioned, and yes you would have to reset it to get the desired timescale of temperatures.
Pretty much what Owdboggy has already said. LOL.
28 Jul, 2010
Many thanks , l will give it a try....Buzby
28 Jul, 2010
Previous question
Normally the thermometer has a method of showing the highest and lowest temperatures in a period of time. So if you wish to check what the temperature reaches when you are not there then you do have to reset the high and low marker every day.
28 Jul, 2010