By Lansdell
South Africa
My cinnarias are coming to an end! The leaves still look very healthy.....can I cut the spent flowers off and will there be another flush?
1 Oct, 2015
Thank you so much! I live in South Africa in the Eastern Cape where our weather is quite warm and Spring is upon us! I have the Senecio Hybrid so I think I will have to replace them as here they are a winter growing plant!
2 Oct, 2015
You may be right - but even if you buy more, why not save one, cut it back, and see what happens... it'd be interesting to find out!
2 Oct, 2015
Hmm, well we need to establish quite which plant we're talking about - the plant that we all knew as Cineraria (flowering with daisy like, usually bi coloured flowers) is now called Senecio hybridus, but also often called Pericallis hybridus. If this is the plant you mean, you may get more flowers if you dead head, because you live somewhere with a warm climate - in the UK, these plants are temporary visitors only. On the other hand, you may mean Senecio Cineraria, something like 'Silver Dust' with grey leaves, grown mostly for its foliage, though it does produce yellow flowers. This one is also a half hardy perennial, and that's maybe what it'll do where you live, but they are usually treated as annuals because they can get quite leggy after a time.
1 Oct, 2015