By Justjules
United Kingdom
RE: Schizophragma hydrangeoides
Have purchased and planted into generous sized pot to grow up the wall of our terraced garden (north facing) opposite our new extension.
My question is - as the wall is a matter of 7' - 8' high I am wanting to train the plant to grow lnegth ways (espalier?). Could anyone advise how I would go about doing this to start the plant off - as I realise it is a 'self-clinger' once more mature. I did think of perhaps putting in horozontal canes to ties down the stems in layers?? lastly, does this plant have a favoured direction of growth - ie. clockwise - or anti-clockwise as may be better moved to a position to encourage growth direction it likes. Would be grateful for any advice.
With Thanks
Julie M
7 Oct, 2015
I would just leave it do its own thing initially - unfortunately, contained in a pot, it may not do very much. It starts out very slow growing, until its roots are very well established and deep in the ground, when it starts to romp away to its ultimate height of around 6 to 12 metres. As it can't root deeply, it may not get to the stage of romping away, but only time will tell.
It's not actually a twining plant, so doesn't twine anti clockwise or clockwise - it sticks to the wall as it matures with mini roots or pads. Just tie onto sticks or canes as it grows until (hopefully) it starts to cling on its own. Does best in partial shade with damp, rich soil.
7 Oct, 2015