United Kingdom
Hi, I have some crocus kotchyanus that I have just planted at the end of September 2015, the packet says they flower between September and November, will I see them come up this year or have to wait until next? I have found info online which says they need to be planted July / August and spend the summer dormant but then other websites say that they flower later in winter so could I see them flower later than November this year as I Planted them late?
13 Oct, 2015
I would actually expect to 'some' flowers this year. Maybe not a wonderful display but some of the corms could well try to flower, particularly if the mild weather continues and they are kept moist. Again, ony time will tell.
13 Oct, 2015
Thank you for your comments, I can now see shoots appearing on two of the corms... But have planted around 20 so not a great return. I was going to lift them and plant elsewhere for next year but suppose I will have to wait now. Will I be able to move them in the new year?
15 Oct, 2015
Better as the foliage is dying back, March/April. You can lift them at any time but they will need more tlc and feeding if the enrgy in the leaves has not been allowed to return to the corm.
15 Oct, 2015
Great- thanks a lot for the info!
15 Oct, 2015
Flowering time is September/October, so you're unlikely to see flowers this year, and you may not even get any growth. Only time will tell whether they'll do anything next year - they might, they might not.
13 Oct, 2015