I have discovered a lot of moss growing in lawn in the part of my garden shade by a four foot wooden fence. We have just moved in and would like advice as to eliminate the moss. I have raked off a lot of it but the area is very damp as it doesn't get much sun. What plants would you recommend for this area which is a small bed along the fence.
I look forward to some advice.
15 Oct, 2015
Not sure if you are intending to restore the lawn or replace it completely with a bed. You can restore a moss ridden lawn in a shady area.
If you just want perennials for damp shade consider Brunnera (Jack Frost), Hostas, Ferns, Heucheras, Foxgloves, Polemonium, primroses etc. If you want a shrub or small tree, Hypericum calycinum. Also Yew does well in shade.
15 Oct, 2015
This is a good time to put an autumn weed and feed that will also kill moss. It cuts back the moss which continues to grow and it gives your lawn a head start in the spring.
15 Oct, 2015
You can get special grass seed for shade now, if you decide to keep the lawn, but moss would probably still be a problem.
Agree with Bendipa's list (except hypericum calcinum which spreads like mad and needs constant dead heading to look tidy) I'd add Dicentras - now called Lamprocapnos- especially spectabile, both the pink and the white. All the hellebores would be happy too. Euonyumus fortunii for evergreen variegated winter colour.
15 Oct, 2015
You can also add impatiens to your shade garden. They bloom continuously and pair up nicely with hostas without getting tall and leggy. Here's a picture of mine.
15 Oct, 2015
Well I'm confused Bendipa - Hypericum calycinum only reaches about 18 inches, and is no way a tree unless you're a snail. I wouldn't recommend it either, its a bit of a weedy yet rampant grower, spreads under the ground and pops up a distance away, wouldn't give it gardenroom personally.
Skimmia fragrans tolerates total shade very well, as does Prunus Otto Luyken and Mahonia aquifolium, though the latter might spread too far over time. Liriope 'Monroe White', a white flowered lily turf, also tolerates deep shade well, along with Convallaria (Lily of the Valley) so long as the soil is damp. Lamiums too will do well (Lamium galeobdolen for a taller one, Lamium 'White Nancy' for ground cover.
16 Oct, 2015
Bendipa, did you mean Hypericum Hidcote?
16 Oct, 2015
Sorry. I meant Hidcote, of course. :-)
17 Oct, 2015
Ah! Nice, but gets very wide, takes up a lot of room when its older.
17 Oct, 2015
True, but it survives cutting back.
17 Oct, 2015
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Look at the hostas. They come in various shapes, sizes & colors. They really brighten up a dark area. However, you may also need slug control.
15 Oct, 2015