By Youngalistai
Surrey, United Kingdom
Sorry this is not pandora jasminoids its a wisteria like climber that is seen here a lot in Andalusia it can cover a huge amount of space but dont know what it is i have given some better photos of it
- 17 Oct, 2015
It could be Podranea ricasoliana, the pink trumpet vine.
17 Oct, 2015
Could be - also a member of the Bignoniaceae, apparently will grow outside in the UK, but won't flower, needs a greenhouse.
17 Oct, 2015
Definitely Podranea, and most likely P. ricasoliana--P. brycei is more upright growing, though occasionally used like a vine.
18 Oct, 2015
How odd Bamboo.....I didn't think you could have two accounts to one email address?
18 Oct, 2015
Thank you all for getting podranea ricasoliana from southern africa correct. I read its pretty tender in u.k. unless you put it in a greenhouse and cut it back. I see plant- world sells its seeds. sorry for the confusion having 2 accounts and posting 2 questions on different ones
18 Oct, 2015
I'm guessing two different email addresses, Pamg, not difficult really - I've got 4 email addresses myself, but only one on here.
18 Oct, 2015
Gosh ones enough for me Bamboo !.......useful though I guess
18 Oct, 2015
Very, depending on how many emails you get - I use specific addresses for specific purposes, so I've got a rough idea what's going where, so one for buying stuff, one for gardening stuff and so on... one address I haven't used in yonks though, its probably expired by now.
18 Oct, 2015
I'm not clear why you're saying its not Pandorea - I'm pretty sure its Pandorea jasminoides rosea, previously/and also known as Bignonia rosea. Why don't you believe its that? It's a climber that gets about 33 feet high and a bit less wide in the right climate, rapid grower. It's also frost tender, classed as a tropical climber - perennial yes, but you may lose it outdoors in an average winter in the UK.
Youngalistair, you appear to have two separate GoY accounts - which explains why I couldn't find an earlier question on this plant when I clicked on your avatar - it only took me to one account, obviously, and the original question you asked on this plant is under your other account. Very confusing for those of us trying to work out two separate questions on the same subject...
17 Oct, 2015