By Linda235
United Kingdom
Do I need to cover my Japanese Painted Fern (Athyrium) in the winter?I live in Scotland.
On plant
Athyrium niponicum
18 Oct, 2015
I think I will cover it with some large leaves just in case Loosestrife.
18 Oct, 2015
Yes,mother nature does exactly the same thing for me.
18 Oct, 2015
Does she cover you with large leaves Loosestrife? :0)
18 Oct, 2015
Linda:I am a few weeks past my 85th year on the planet earth but I am hoping that the old dry leaves fly right past me for the time being:)
19 Oct, 2015
I think we'll all be covered with leaves eventually.
19 Oct, 2015
I agree Loosestrife......I have just spent the last hour brushing up leaves in the garden. The blower which I also use does cover me in leaves from time to time. :0)
19 Oct, 2015
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Previous question
I live in zone 6 (USA) and have never touched them except to remove end of year dead growth and they do fine and have even expanded their area of growth. If you would like to lay down a layer of mulch over them I see no reason why you shouldn't.
18 Oct, 2015