By Philwebster
my Picea Pungens Hoopsii has been attacked by red spider mite. I have sprayed it with Provado which has killed off the mites fortunately.
Will the needles that have gone brown recover or will they drop off & new ones grow
kind regards
Phil Webster
24 Oct, 2015
Seems odd to me too Bamboo
24 Oct, 2015
You might get extra buds coming out along the newer stems--one of the ways spruces and firs adapt to adversity, often used by bonsai artists.
25 Oct, 2015
Previous question
No, they won't recover - most conifers, once needles have gone brown, will never regrow in that area - but they do carry on growing at the tips and over the rest of the plant. Seems a bit odd, red spider mite - unless you're not in the UK but somewhere warmer and drier, or your plant has been kept indoors.
24 Oct, 2015