By Tobysmum
United Kingdom
when should i divide goditias i think i have planted mine too close.and what do i do with niglla in amist when it has finished flowring?
29 Jul, 2010
Both of these plants are annuals. You can thin them out if they're sown too close together and if you're careful the seedlings you take out can be transplanted to other places, but you'll need to keep them watered. Some of my godetias have seeded already and are popping up like cress all over the place. I hope to save some seed to plant next spring as I don't know if the new plants will manage to flower as well before winter kills them off.
The seed heads of Nigella are quite attractive. If you want to save them, and / or let them set seed leave them for now. If you want to tidy them up you can, but the same plants won't grow next year. You can let the seeds ripen in the seed heads and collect some when the heads open.
You sow both of these sorts of seeds in the spring and they grow, flower and die quite quickly.
29 Jul, 2010
29 Jul, 2010
thank you sorry i have been out of action forgive let thanks
30 Jun, 2011
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All of these are annual plants (live one year only) so leave the Godetia now. Its probably too late to make a difference now anyway. The Nigella will self seed. You can let it do this by itself and/or collect seed yourself when the papery seed pods open later on the plant.
29 Jul, 2010