By Swatts
United Kingdom
When does one buy outdoor cyclamen plants thank you.
27 Oct, 2015
C. hederifolium on sale, in flower, now. C. coum, in flower on sale in January.
C, persicum, bedding out types, not hardy, on sale from September onwards.
27 Oct, 2015
Swatts welcome to GoY, we are a group of, mostly, amateur gardeners, as such it can take a while to reply to a question. If you want a instant answer then use Google.
27 Oct, 2015
We do our best but I'm cooking the dinner at the same time.....?
even though our weather in the midlands isn't harsh the clay soil means mine do really well in the greenhouse .......
I was suprised recently to find thst cyclamen flowers will last well as cut flowers in the house......
27 Oct, 2015
Really Pamg? I've never found that to be so...
27 Oct, 2015
Previous question
Please reply time for buying outdoor cyclamen
27 Oct, 2015