By Valie03
United Kingdom
Hi I have an area right in the corner of my garden so its bordered by 2 6ft fences its under a large tree that over hangs from my neighbours garden and the ground is very dry because I think the tree sucks up the water.What large plant or shrub could I use here please. I am thinking probably phormiun ???
30 Jul, 2010
Phormium like lots of sun, so if the area is very shady, it won't do too well - half sun half shade will be okay though. However, even Phormiums need water when we're in drought, particularly in a situation like you describe, so some watering of anything you put there may be necessary. Aucuba japonica would probably grow there, gets about 8 feet by 8 feet eventually - Mahonia aquifolium is a good evergreen shrub, but only gets to about 3 or 4 feet high and the same or more wide, and tolerates a fair bit of dryness and a good amount of shade.
30 Jul, 2010
Thanks for both replies I will look your suggestions up.
Regards Valie03
3 Aug, 2010
Camellias will grow in full shade but they do not like chalk soils.
4 Aug, 2010
Previous question
Welcome to Goy. Phormium may be a bit slow growing to hide the fence but should survive. A quicker growing idea would be a Viburnum. V. Tinus is evergreen winter flowering and will grow to 2m x 2m if you want it to. V.Carlessiiis about the same size and is deciduous. Google Viburnum and find lots of different ones. Escallonia is evergreen, will flower all summer, grows to a similar size and attracts bees etc.It can have white, pale or dark pink or red flowers depending on which one you choose. Click on S in the A-Z at the foot of the page to find shade plants that might help you.
30 Jul, 2010