Trifolium Dubium
By Ads2k15
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Is Trifolium Dubium. Shamrock a perennial? I've grown some from seed this year and want to plant it in a border but am unsure if it's just an annual? Possibly Trifolium repens would be better to plant amongst other perennials for ground cover?
31 Oct, 2015
Yes it is perennial, but I really wouldn't advise planting it in a border as it will just look like a weed. The flowers are tiny and insignificant. It's quite tough to dig out as well. Trifolium repens, White Clover, would be even worse and would soon invade any surrounding grass. Incidentally, I've never heard of T. dubium being called Shamrock, it's common name is Lesser Trefoil.
1 Nov, 2015
You would regret using either of them for either edging or ground cover unfortunately, and if you get repens in your lawn you'll find it very difficult to eradicate.
1 Nov, 2015
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A stoloniferous perennial, according to my research, Ads.
1 Nov, 2015