By Paulbickley
Hi my Aunt who lives in Oliva Spain has a conference pair tree but as the fruit ripenens either on the tree or in the house the fruit explodes they live near the sea so water is available to the tree at around 1 metre down any suggestion as to why and any solutions would be appreciated.
Many thanks.
Paul Bickley.
On plant
1 Nov, 2015
Conference pears should be harvested when they still feel hard, but are fully grown and green with speckles. Many pears ripen from the inside out, so once the outside looks ripe, the inside is already rotten, so its likely your aunt's pears are 'exploding' because they're beginning to rot on the inside.
They need storing till they're soft enough to eat - a well ventilated, cool room will be fine. Best kept apart from one another when being stored for ripening, not touching.
1 Nov, 2015