By Cazoo1
United Kingdom
Good morning...I would like some advice on Stipa Gigantea (Golden Oats), three years ago I bought 3 large healthy potted plants. I gave one each to my daughters which they planted in their gardens and I planted mine in a large wooden tub. Mine has bourne large feathery spikes each summer,but neither of my daughters plants have given any spikes at all. Can anyone explain why and help with getting the beasts to "flower" as they are on the point of digging them up and throwing them away. Such a pity!!
3 Nov, 2015
Mmm well both are in full sun and the ground is pretty good where they both I think conditions are OK.
3 Nov, 2015
Do they live farther north, with cooler, shorter summers? I have heard of them not flowering in colder climates in the U.S.
4 Nov, 2015
No sorry myself and one daughter live in Worcestershire and my other daughter lives in Warwickshire. Both plants have lots of healthy leaves...its such a disappointment they have no spikes. There are about 3 planted on a traffic island very near me and they are glorious, maybe they like the car fumes.
4 Nov, 2015
Well on a traffic island, they probably have to cope with whatever the weather throws at them - so they probably are in the equivalent of drought some of the time. Which is probably why the Council chose to plant them, they don't have to worry about watering them because to a large extent, they thrive on neglect. I reckon your daughters' plants are being too well cared for...
4 Nov, 2015
It needs two things - full sun, and reasonably fertile, well drained soil. As yours is in a tub, its likely the well drained soil part is taken care of - if your daughters have theirs in the ground, and the soil is heavy and they plants aren't in full sun, it may be the conditions just aren't good enough.
3 Nov, 2015