By Monica3
Tyne & Wear,
United Kingdom
I can not decide between September Charm or Queen Charlotte Anemone, has anyone got advice please?
Many thanks.
3 Nov, 2015
I would have both
3 Nov, 2015
I also have both plus 4 other varieties varying from singles and doubles white through to dark pink. They are in their first year and still flowering now in this mild weather. I am hoping they will be taller next year.
3 Nov, 2015
I have them both and they are close neighbours to each other. I will have to thin them out as once established Queen Charlotte tends to be more vigorous.
I have photos of them both on here. The single Sept charm is slightly later to flower than QC who starts in August. I love the open flower of SC but the back of the petals are a darker pink in the semidouble QC.
down to personal preference .
4 Nov, 2015
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Hi, this is a question that only you can answer really, it'sall down to personal preference, I suggest you google images of both, and if you still can't decide which 1 you want, get both, Derek.
3 Nov, 2015