By Penybraich
Do you pull up marigolds at the end of the season and start again fom seed next spring ?
And when ir the right rime to sow hollyhocks? I have some i trays o a warm windowsill , is this too early?
4 Nov, 2015
I wouldn't try to raise hollyhocks on a windowsill at this time of year but as you have done you might be lucky. Don't keep the young plants too warm and give them plenty of light or they will get too tall and spindly.
4 Nov, 2015
Marigolds will die back for the winter, but I always have new plants growing the following season where seed heads were dropped. You can also save the seed heads and replant in Spring.
4 Nov, 2015
In the UK it does depend on what sort of marigolds though. Calendulas will self seed outside but African ones don't and neither do French.
4 Nov, 2015
4 Nov, 2015
I still have French Marigolds in full flower in the front garden variety is "Honey Comb" so thats a must have for newt year, it is the longest that have flowered.
Down side is I need to pull them out to plant the spring bulbs.
6 Nov, 2015
6 Nov, 2015
yep - I collect the seeds from the ones I have now
4 Nov, 2015