West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Remember the snow in October?
A few weeks ago the tabloid press were full of stories about an early winter, snow coming in October. And it was repeated here.
Well, after the warmest day in November have we learnt a lesson? That's right, some (most, possibly) newpapers are full of rubbish.
You can't predict the weather beyond about seven-ten days even if you are the multibillion pound Met Office (they say so themselves), many berries do not equal a hard winter, Bewick's swans do not have a hotline to the gods of weather (Ba'al?); and nature reacts, it cannot predict.
Now I come to Climate Change. (Ducks and runs for cover). The methods used by climatologists are not really understandable by the layman, they use quite complex algorithms to pick out trends from the very noisy data. The average journalist cannot expect to have an informed opinion on this any more than they could about quantum physics or neuroscience. (Witness the constant conflation of Alzheimer's, a very specific condition, with dementia, which can have many causes.)
4 Nov, 2015
They need to sell newspapers to keep their jobs
they don't do well with us, local paper is at least local but still full of fluff, news ?....What news?
4 Nov, 2015
The first 3 day of November up here were wall to wall sunshine and hot... Today has been dreech but I would expect some days like that.
4 Nov, 2015
Nope!!! but definitely in November, my oldest daughter was born during a snowstorm, November 26th 1969, my niece was born exactly 3mths later still snowing, boy that was an icy winter, can also remember mum and dad being on holiday in June down at the coast, yep it was like winter and it snowed, it happens sometimes, can't change it no matter what anyone predicts..Just something to say or write about.....
4 Nov, 2015
Today is a balmy 70f & sunny blue blue skies. My irises are blooming for the 3rd time this year. Should I go to the beach, or maybe just a bike ride through the park?
4 Nov, 2015
Do you have roots in the U K Bathgate? .......
you talk weather like a native.....?
4 Nov, 2015
Stop it Paul, its been horrible all day, needed my wellies to walk down the yard and even put a winter jacket on to pop round my daughters, only around the corner and takes 5mins, gardening in short sleeved T-shirt on just last Sunday, it was glorious all day, even after dark, downhill ever since and suddenly the weather realised it was actually November...
4 Nov, 2015
Linclass: I think my weather usually heads your way, doesn't it?
Hi Pam, My roots are in Ireland & Poland, but going back 2 generations. I do have plenty of friends in the UK. I think their antics rub off on my a little. LOL.
5 Nov, 2015
I agree with every word. Or nearly.
5 Nov, 2015
It depends, Bathgate, on what is happening in the Azores. If we have a high pressure cell over us, the storms go into the north west of the UK. That is why remnants of hurricanes go to the UK and gives us a dry summer. If we have low pressure, then they go to the south of the UK, France, and Iberia. Often, I will have the tail of a system that is over the UK. Right now, the storm track is through here and on to Iberia.
5 Nov, 2015
Hear hear!
4 Nov, 2015