Growing roses in containers
By Emeraldadi
South Africa
hi all,
I bought seven new roses a couple of days ago
1)towering rose
2)annique KORquanni
3)Count Dracccula
4)lava glo
6)garden queen
7)guelilah DELgra
of which towering rose,guelilah and count draccula are climbing roses.
i already transplanted count dracula and guelilah to the ground.
rest of it i want to transplant in to containers. i have 10 gallon containers , would that be enough. i should be able to keep them in the containers for at least two years right.what are your thoughts. at the moment these roses are precious for me. please share your experiences
thank you
22 Nov, 2015
In my experience, long term growth requires a container at least 70 cm wide and tall for each rose, and most climbers are much happier in the ground.
22 Nov, 2015
Korresia, a patio rose? Don't think so. I grow that one, and when mature it gets up to 4 ' tall.
I'm currently growing A Hybrid Tea in a big terracotta pot (10" diameter). I only intend to keep it there for 2 years, after which I would transfer it to the ground. So you should be ok to grow one in a 10 gall container for that time.
As has been mentioned patio rose varieties are most suitable for keeping in pots on the larger size (10" and bigger ideally). All other types should be grown in the ground.
22 Nov, 2015
Erm, Bendipa, if you read my answer properly, I haven't said that Korresia is a patio rose. It is, in fact, a smaller floribunda. I've got Korresia downstairs in the main garden, and I've had it previously in my own garden, in a pot, when it didn't get taller than about 2.5 feet. In the ground here, it doesn't seem to get taller than 3 feet, maybe 3.5 feet when its in flower, so it is considered a smaller variety of rose in comparison to a lot of them, which get 5 - 8 feet.
23 Nov, 2015
1 year, unless the roses concerned are short, small varieties such as Korresia, which only gets 3 feet maximum, or 'patio roses'. Any longer in a pot and the roses will start having problems - all will want to put down a couple of very long roots deep into the soil, and other roots sideways for a fair distance. None will be able to do that in pots. If you only want the roses for a couple of years, then you can leave them in the pots, but the majority of roses are not recommended for pot culture long term.
22 Nov, 2015