By Grahamtutt
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
My five year old nectarine tree has peach leaf curl every year. I sprayed three times with Bordeaux solution but it made no difference. I also have a Victoria plum and Russet apple tree. Could I spray with Rose Clear Altra on all of them? Would this prevent peach leaf curl or should I use a different spray. Last result is to dig it up.
16 Dec, 2015
Rather than use chemicals, you can keep the rain off the tree in spring by building a 'cage' of fleece over it until the weather warms up. This is the method used at RHS Wisley.
16 Dec, 2015
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« Does anyone know..... seeing my Sophora microphylla Sun King 'Hilsop' is...
Looked it up for you - try
16 Dec, 2015